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The Power of Pause Retreat

November 16-17, 2024


“In the relentless busyness of modern life, we have lost the rhythm between work and rest. Our culture invariably supposes that action and accomplishment are better than rest; that doing something – anything is better than doing nothing. Because of our desire to succeed, to meet these ever-growing expectations, we do not rest. Because we do not rest, we lose our way. We miss the compass points that would show us where to go, we bypass the nourishment that would give us succor. We miss the quiet that would give us wisdom. “
– Wayne Muller, from Sabbath


This is an invitation to intentionally pause, clear out the things that are weighing you down, and bring clarity to what matters most.

Why is that important?

Pausing isn’t innate to our cultural story. We’re not awarded for reflecting before acting. In fact, we’re often made to feel as if we’re behind or there’s something wrong with us if we aren’t being productive and staying busy.

But pausing is a skill that has kept our species alive for a long time.

Pausing is natural and necessary to collect information from our environment and see how our body and mind respond.

When we don’t take the time to pause:

– Our nervous systems get dysregulated – we check out, get run ragged by never-ending thoughts and consume a lot of a lot of things.

– We feel pressured and make snap decisions or avoid making them at all.

– Emotions pile up and we feel defensive, crabby or spread too thin.

– We get sick. 

– It’s difficult to be present, know what matters and prioritize it.

– We polarize and lose perspective. 

– We get swept up in the inertia of busyness in order to not feel the discomfort that’s there when we slow down.

– We lose touch with our creativity and inspiration – life feels more dull and mundane. 

We start accepting a pace and rhythm that isn’t sustainable, digestible or even healthy and feel overloaded and unsure of how to stop the train.  

Sound familiar? You’re not alone if so. 

That’s why Lisa Welden (www.lisawelden.com) and Julie Puentes of HorseLink, have teamed up to create an experience that makes it 100% easier for you to pause and find your center. To slow down to catch up and clarify what you want to spend your energy and life force on.​​

We invite you to pause.


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