Self-Care Saturday: Attention- A Powerful Resource
February 10 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
| $25.00“Pay attention, don’t let life go by you. Fall in love with the back of your cereal box.”
Jerry Seinfeld
Does it seem difficult to concentrate and focus these days? Do you find it more challenging to read for extended periods of time? Do you feel like there are distractions fragmenting your ability to be fully present?
Research has demonstrated what you may have noticed in recent years. Our attention spans are shortening at an alarming rate. In the last five or six years the average time someone gives their attention to one task at a computer is only 47 seconds. And that is just computer tasks. Imagine what this means for complicated or even fun activities that require sustained focused attention.
There are real-life implications for our inability to focus our attention from making it harder to learn new things, a lack of creativity, and living in a permanent state of alertness and exhaustion as we bounce from one thing to the next while missing so much of what brings joy and connection in our lives.
What: A Morning at HorseLink farm with our horses practicing giving your full attention. Give yourself the gift of putting away your phone and participating in an exercise to immerse you in the here and now with our horses. Discover what can emerge when we collectively honor one of our most precious resources, our attention. Be delighted at the peace and rejuvenation you experience. Please bring a journal and a pen to write with.
$25 per person. All funds collected through our Self-Care Saturday series go directly to caring for our special herd of horses.
Please register below.