Self-Care Saturday: Conversations with the Universe
April 6 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
| $25.00“I have a daring proposition for you: What you seek is also seeking you.”
– Robert E. Staub II from The 7 Acts of Courage
The universe is always communicating with us through our intuition, dreams, synchronicity, and symbols. However, our ability to be open to hearing, seeing, and trusting these messages is dulled by our fast-paced, brain-reliant, distracted existence. We hardly ever give ourselves the time and space to be quiet, and still, and listen to our inner voice. It can be very difficult to initiate change, make decisions, and move forward confidently in life if we are not clear about what it is we are seeking. And we certainly can’t be receptive to what is seeking us if we never slow down enough to notice.
What: A morning at HorseLink farm where you get to be in nature with our horses and be present. Take the time to reflect, observe your environment, and listen to your heart and gut feelings. Bring a specific question or dilemma you wish for clarity on or simply be curious about what surfaces when you stop frantically doing. Let the horses share their wisdom with you and leave with new insights and direction. We suggest bringing a journal and pen with you to capture what is revealed.
$25 per person. All funds collected through our Self-Care Saturday series go directly to caring for our special herd of horses.
Please register below.