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A Special Workshop with Sandra Mendelson, Author and Animal Communicator.


“It took me years to determine what would really work for people. We all have the ability to communicate with other life forms.

So why – after some of us have taken classes and courses, read books, listened to podcasts, and invested in retreats are we still not connecting?

A human solution wasn’t the answer.”

– Sandra Mendelson


This weekend workshop is for anyone – from a first timer to a professional animal communicator looking to break through their limitations and access or expand their true multi-sensory nature. The focus is on communicating with animals in form and Spirit but the ways of being you will learn and the abilities you access are the same ones that enable you to connect with plants, the Earth, human loved ones who have left form, guides, angels, etc. It’s exciting to discover which communications will unfold for you going forward!

You were born with the ability to communicate with other forms of life. Receiving and sending information beyond your five senses is an innate component of your Soul, waiting for you to reclaim it.

In fact, you are already using at least some psychic abilities but are probably unaware of it: As a product of human society and its conditioning, ingrained, habitual thoughts, beliefs, emotions and behaviors act as blocks, and put up walls of doubt and disbelief.


 What makes the workshop unique is that its curriculum was created from input and guidance I received over the past 3 years from our companion animals – and horses in particular- as their mission is to assist humans in returning to wholeness.

 Humans tend to complicate while animals simplify – and their guidance is easy to understand and follow.


 At the heart of HorseLink Farm are the resident horses, who serve as gentle guides and companions during your visit. Extraordinarily skilled in facilitating human growth and development with non-judgment and unconditional love, these are the beings you will be able to meditate and practice with each day.

THE CURRICULUM (A Partial View of What We Will Cover):

1.Beliefs, Behaviors, Biases and Blocks Getting In Your Way

2.Entering The Animals’ World, Identifying and Using Your Clair Abilities

3.The Special Magic and Mission of Horses (in their own words)

4.When Animal Partners Transition: magic beyond the grief

Class runs from 9a -12n followed by lunch and then connection and practice time with the horses.


2x 9a-12n “Your Connection With All Life’ workshop sessions

2x meditate and practice time with the horses

Lunch included both days

To learn more about Sandra and her work, please visit www.smendelson.com.

For this workshop, we will partner with Julie Puentes and the herd of horses at HorseLink.


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Your Connection With All Life Registration
$ 650.00
6 available